
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Two in Three Consumers Use Online Coupons: Survey

More than two-thirds of U.S. consumers say they have downloaded a printable coupon from a Web site, according to a new report from marketing research firm Morpace.

The Morpace Omnibus Report for March 2011 found that online coupon use is slightly higher among females, 72% of whom reported printing out coupons from Web sites, than among males (59%). Consumers with annual household incomes over $50,000 also over-indexed on printing online coupons; 71% of respondents in that category reported doing so, compared to 61% for those from households with incomes under $50,000.

While printable online coupons have been part of retailers’ incentive strategies for a few years, they are still a relatively small part of total coupon distribution in the U.S.: about 1% of the general coupon distribution in the first nine months of 2010, according to a report from Marx, the coupon-tracking division of Kantar Media. Nevertheless other research suggests that online coupons are redeemed at a much higher rate—10% to 15%-- compared to the 1.2% redemption rate for coupons overall.

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QR Code Scanners for Mobile Phones

The best scanner software for iPhone is Qrafter. It is available on the App Store and it is free. It is able to understand all actions on this generator (and more) and is the most advanced scanner for QR Codes on iPhone. Download it from here. You can also visit Qrafter’s Facebook Page here.

For Android, the best option seems to be the Barcode Scanner app from ZXing.
For BlackBerry, QR Code Scanner Pro is a good choice according to Josh West, one of the commenters on this page.
For Nokia Maemo/Meego, you can use Mbarcode according to Ryks, another commenter.
For other devices, you may find one, suitable for your device from Kaywa or QuickMark.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easy Communication Through Fingertips With SMS Gateway Software

SMS messaging service - bulk SMS application - SMS messaging gateways

SMS gateway software plays a vital role in transferring messages very quickly as per the need of the busy world. Short messaging service along with bulk SMS application is a facility available in mobile phones for the retrieving as well as sending of messages to an intended audience. SMS was introduced in Europe in the year 1992. It is very useful to convey urgent matters within seconds. The messaging gateway software enables the users to post as well as receive the message to personal computer or the mobile phones. It holds user-friendly interface with high class interior architecture.

All languages can be used through SMS solutions with the help of Unicode system. Along with the text, sending of pictures and ring tones are also possible via SMS gateway service. SMS messaging service is utilized by about 2.4 billion mobile phone consumers. The services provided by the messaging gateways are very useful for the companies who want to transfer the information instantly to a large group of customers frequently. For fulfilling the needs of customers, most of the mobile phone companies develop advanced SMS gateway software.
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Consumer Loyalty Clubs - How Mobile Marketing Can Give Your Customers What They Want

More and more companies today are recognizing that their customers never leave home without their mobile phones and are checking and responding to their text messages constantly throughout the day. With the rapid growth in smart phone sales, the mobile phone is rapidly becoming the most effective way to develop and maintain an ongoing relationship with those customers.

However, one of the most fundamental issue facing marketers today is figuring out what their customers actually want from them and how best to deliver that need. The reason it is so difficult to determine is the lack of information on who those customers actually are. If you don't really know your customer, how can you possibly meet their needs?

The Easy Ways to Send Bulk SMS

Increasingly businesses of all sizes are reaping the benefits of low cost, instant communication via bulk SMS messages to customers and colleagues alike. And while a large corporation will have access to an IT department to provide this communication tool, what are smaller businesses meant to do? The good news is that you don't need to be a computer whizz-kid or have an in-house IT department to take advantage of SMS technology. Instead, businesses can turn to a bulk SMS gateway provider for easy ways to send their text messages. A SMS gateway provider will give you one point of contact, one A-Z pricing list and an easy to use interface for sending your bulk SMS messages.

Yet, if you are new to bulk SMS messaging you may still be wondering if there are different ways to send SMS messages and just how easy this technology is to use. With this in mind, here is a quick breakdown of three different ways that businesses can send text messages through a bulk SMS gateway provider. All of these methods can be sent from a standard computer and do not require specialist knowledge... in essence they are as easy as sending an email.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easy to Use Short Code Services

Short code services - Premium SMS services - SMS voting

Short code services assign its wireless subscribers with an easy memorable small digit number to deal with easy communication activities such as sending and retrieving SMS in single or in bulk. To access the huge benefits of communication effectiveness, a majority of mobile advertisement is being carried out through short code applications. Major area of short code application includes SMS voting, marketing, opinion poll, events, customer complains, mass booking, discount offers, bill settlement and live chatting. This service forms the popular mode of fast feedback and it is capable of strengthening the customer-client relationship.

The short codes forms exceptional phone numbers comparatively shorter and constitutes around 5 digits. The codes are commonly accessed for value added applications mainly message voting, charity donations, cellular services and to order ring tones. The main advantages of these services are easy to remember, instantly reachable, comfortable perpetual messaging service and broader-popular trade equity.

Mobile Text Message Marketing 101

Currently, we are seeing another large communication shift similar to the social media movement in 2005. In terms of size, it's already bigger than the dot com boom. Of course, I'm referring to mobile text message marketing. At the moment, it's still in the early adopter phase.

When mobile text message marketing originated a couple years back it was extremely expensive. That's the big reason only companies with large budgets could use it. The playing field has been leveled, though. It no longer costs an arm and a leg. Mobile marketing is the MOST effective way to get new customers, retain current ones, and prevent no-shows.

The bottom line is that mobile helps businesses make more income and the conversion is better than anything online or offline.

Text Message Marketing Benefits for Local Businesses

If you own a local business, whether you provide goods and services, you can really benefit from text message marketing. This form of promotion is easy to use, cost effective and offers one of the best rates of return of any type of advertising. The fact is when people leave their homes they take or go with three things-their vehicle, purse or wallet and cell phone.
That means that text message marketing connects with customers wherever they may be. Whether the receiver of the message is at home or on the road, they will have instant access to your offer.

Benefits of Text Marketing
There are benefits to any type of advertising or marketing campaign. Text message marketing carries advantages that are unique. One is the rate of return, which ranges from 10% to 30%!

Text Message Campaign - Successful SMS Text Messaging Strategies

Are you aware that mobile text messaging, when used correctly, will make your company rule your sector? Cellular devices are now a lot more than PCs and the number continues to expand. And any experienced businessperson who embraces text message marketing with a test message campaign will definitely experience rewards. Nevertheless many people frequently wonder how to do this type of marketing without making any mistakes.
Well, although there isn't any guideline which is totally accurate, I have a few suggestions which can help.
Stay away from kids' text messaging jargon. Unless of course your product is purely for the children, jargon can be quite a turnoff for the older age group. Simply utilize standard phrases and vocabulary which the regular individual is accustomed to. A few modern phrases might not hurt nevertheless use caution; your terminology will probably deter some individuals or be a product drawing clients to your company.

Choosing The Right SMS Survey Software

When it comes to SMS surveys there are hundreds of types of software available so it is important to do your research before deciding. Each type of text message survey software has benefits and downfalls so you simply must decide what features are useful to you and what features are simply a waste of time or money. Start looking for as many survey systems as you can; the more you find the easier it will be to eliminate a majority of them based on specific features or functions. Eventually you will find one single survey system that works the best for your needs.

Perhaps the biggest thing to look at is the data collection system on the survey program. Many text message survey systems will automatically collect survey data and then calculate any number of statistics on it automatically; this is great if you need the extra information, but it could be a waste if you don't need it. If you are simply taking a text message survey to see the answers then you might not need to purchase an SMS system that will calculate the statistics automatically.

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